Cornerstone’s Covid-19 Update and Guidance

The health, safety and wellbeing of our employees, clients and the wider public is always and has always been our top priority, and we are taking the Covid-19 pandemic extremely seriously.

Cornerstone continues to closely monitor the potential impact of Covid-19 on its business and supply chain.

Following the UK Government and the World Health Organisation’s advice and guidance for the virus, Cornerstone is implementing the following steps to minimise infection risk to all employees, clients and supply chain.


We are advising that all employees closely follow the infection control measures recommended by UK public health agencies. These include:

  • No work should be carried out by any tradesperson who is showing Coronavirus symptoms, however mild.
  • Call ahead on the day to check that no one in the household has started to show symptoms of the virus, has been diagnosed or is self-isolating.
  • Remember not to shake hands, this is often instinctive.
  • If the part of the home that the builders are working in can be divided off from the rest of the house, leaving the clients in residence with sufficient kitchen and bathroom facilities, this will enable any emergency work to be carried out whilst still observing social distancing. Where this is not possible, residents should stay in a different room with the door closed.
  • The Government’s recommendation of keeping two metres apart should be applied stringently. Any time spent closer than two metres must be kept to an absolute minimum. Government has provided advice on social distancing.
  • Whilst on site, continue to follow the advice on frequent hand-washing when not wearing gloves, using hand sanitiser and not touching the face.
  • Tools must not be shared between workers. Under no circumstances should PPE, including facemasks be shared.
  • Workers should take their breaks separately, for example eating lunch in their own vehicles or well away from each other.
  • Workers should not travel together to site in the same vehicle and should avoid public transport. If this is not possible then they will not be able to work.
  • Good housekeeping and keeping a safe, tidy site are even more important than usual. Tools and equipment should be cleaned and disinfected, at the start and finish of any job, and all materials left tidily.
  • If at any time a worker on site feels unsafe, they should assess how to leave whatever they are working on in a safe state, contact their supervisor and leave the site.
  • Any clothing worn on site should be changed as soon as you get home and washed so as not to harbour viruses. Any re-useable PPE (e.g. safety glasses) should be washed. Any wipes, disposable gloves etc should be bagged up and disposed of in accordance with local waste regulations.
  • Each Sub-Contractor should undertake a risk assessment of the situation, including any concerns from employees. It is vital that the risk involved in each job is assessed, and that key considerations around health and welfare are the primary concerns for any work you undertake.
  • When coughing and sneezing, cover the mouth and nose with a flexed elbow or tissue – throw the tissue away immediately and wash hands.


We are regularly providing all team members with up to date information on virus prevention and isolation protocols aimed at minimising risk.
We are also reviewing business continuity plans for process and functional priorities, recovery time objectives, work instructions and resource requirements.

We recommend all stakeholders keep up to date with official Government advice:  Information about the Government’s response, including latest announcements, advice on social distancing, and its action plan is available on their website.


Our business is continually monitoring the information and implementing the advice and protocols recommended by UK Government, WHO and Centre for Disease Control (CDC).

Clients have a responsibility to inform their builder if they become unwell, and vice-versa, so that the risk of spreading the virus can be minimised. If anyone begins to show symptoms or has been in contact with others who have the virus, follow the official advice about self-isolation.


The Cornerstone Team